
University / College

Year of Passing / Year Of Completion / Award


 Ghatal R. S. Mahavidyalaya



Midnapore College


Mathematical Physics,Modern Physics,Thermodynamics &Statistical,Solid State Physics,Astrophysics,Undergraduate Practical 

Solid State Physics

M. Sc. Project :

"Preparation and Characterization of (Gd2O3 DOPED(1-X) BiFiO3 X BaTiO3 ,(x=0.4))

Research: Solid State Physics, Photonics 

Attended :

1.In the 8th Vidyasagar- Satyendranath Bose National Workshop 2017 on " Nuclear and Astrophysics: Two opposite ends of Dimension (NATD-2017)" held at Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal. Sponsored by Theoritical Physics Seminar of SNBCBS, kolkata and UGC, New Delhi.

2.Seminar "Why Should wo do Research " organized by Department of Zoology (UG&PG) in Association with IQAC Raja NL Khan Women's College (Autonomous),midnapore on july, 2022.

One Week Faculty Development Programe on " Frontiers In scientific Computing " organized by the department of Mathematics (UG&PG), Computer Science and Physics in association with IQAC, Raja N L Khan Women's College (Autonomous ), during August, 2023