Seminars/ Conferences/Webinars/Workshops Organised:
Convener /Organizing Secretary / Treasurer /Member
Organized at
Science Camp
Faculty Mentor & Member
Raja N. L. Khan Women’s College,Midnapore.
Science Camp
Faculty Mentor & Member
Raja N. L. Khan Women’s College,Midnapore.
Science Camp
Joint Coordinator & Faculty Mentor
Raja N. L. Khan Women’s College,Midnapore.
Science Camp
Joint Coordinator & Faculty Mentor
State DST
Raja N. L. Khan Women’s College,Midnapore.
Areas of Interest-----
Teaching: Graph Theory, Numerical Analysis, Differential Equations, Differential Calculus, Classical Algebra, Metric Spaces
Research: Graph Theory, Fuzzy Graph Theory.
Title of the research paper: Study on the effect of low temperature pasteurization and storage temperatureon the microbial dynamics in fresh water prawn. 2015; 3(6):576-582
Name of the Journal and ISSN no., volume and page no.: Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences (SAJB) ISSN 2321-6883 (Online),3(6):576-582
Whether refereed journal/reputed journal as notified by the UGC#, Impact factor, : UGC sr. no-45289 IF: 5.074(SJIF)
Name of the authors as appeared in the Research Paper (chronologically): Harekrishna Jana, MrinmayGhorai, Keshab Chandra Mondal, Bikas Ranjan Pati, Abhijit Mitra
Status of the Candidate as author (First/Corresponding/Co-author/sole-author): Yes
Title |
Authors |
Journ al |
SCI indexed |
Yea r |
Impact factor (Thomson reuters) |
UGC Referred |
N O |
N O |
Covering Problems on fuzzy graphs and its application in disaster management |
S.Manda l, N.Patra, M.Pal |
Soft Comp uting |
Yes |
2020 |
3.050 |
Yes |
Title of the research paper: Studies on the microbial load in sea water, sediment and edible oyster (Saccostrea cucullata) from Indian Sundarbans.2012,
Name of the Journal and ISSN no., volume and page no.:Journal of Environment & Sociobiology ISSN:0973-0834,9(1):1-12
Whether refereed journal/reputed journal as notified by the UGC#, Impact factor, :UGC sr. no-863(20384,old IF: 0.342 (GIF)
Name of the authors as appeared in the Research Paper (chronologically): Harekrishna Jana, B.R.Pati,K.C.Mondal, A. Mitra,K. Banerjee
Status of the Candidate as author (First/Corresponding/Co-author/sole-author): Yes
Title of the research paper: Antimicrobial activity of the body fluid of Saccostrea cucullata from sundarbans mangroves forest, North –East coast of Bay of Bengal, India. 2015; 4 (4): 1659-1670.
Name of the Journal and ISSN no., volume and page no.:World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research ISSN 2277– 7105,4(4):1659-1670
Whether refereed journal/reputed journal as notified by the UGC#, Impact factor, : UGC sr. no-540 IF: 8.074(SJIF)
Name of the authors as appeared in the Research Paper (chronologically): Piyali Jana1, Harekrishna Jana2, Tushar Kanti Das3 and Mohammad Belal Hossain,
Status of the Candidate as author (First/Corresponding/Co-author/sole-author): No
Title of the research paper: The Rapid and Easy Method to Detect the Pathogenic Aerobic Bacteria without Staining: A Case Study from Bankura and Its Surrounding Area, West Bengal, India, 2016, 4(4A):366-369
Name of the Journal and ISSN no., volume and page no.: Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences (SAJB) ISSN 2321-6883 (Online),4(4A):366-369
Whether refereed journal/reputed journal as notified by the UGC#, Impact factor, :UGC sr. no-45289 IF: 5.074(SJIF)
Name of the authors as appeared in the Research Paper (chronologically): HarekrishnaJana , Tamanna Roy2*, Keshab Chandra Mondal, Pradip kumarDasmohapatra
Status of the Candidate as author (First/Corresponding/Co-author/sole-author): Yes
Title of the research paper: Isolation and characterization of dye degradingbacteria from textile industrial waste, Panskura,West Bengal, India.2015; 5(5):19-23.
Name of the Journal and ISSN no., volume and page no.:Indian journal of applied research.ISSN - 2249-555X,5(5):19-23
Whether refereed journal/reputed journal as notified by the UGC#, Impact factor, : UGC sr. no-49333 IF:5.397(SJIF)
Name of the authors as appeared in the Research Paper (chronologically): Harekrishna Jana, Kajari Roy, Keshab ch. Mondal
Status of the Candidate as author (First/Corresponding/Co-author/sole-author):Yes
Title |
Organized By |
Venue |
Year |
Edifying Sanskrit Translation (Analyzing Suffix) |
Vidyasagar University Sanskrit Alumni Association in collaboration with the Department of Sanskrit of Vidyasagar University |
Vidyasagar University |
2019 |
Name of the Program |
Institute Name |
Duration (With Specific Date) |
Orientation Programme |
Ramanujan College |
June 26 – July 24, 2020 |
Name of the Program |
Institute Name |
Duration (With Specific Date) |
Research Methodology |
HRDC, University of North Bengal |
26.11.2020 – 02.12.2020 |
Name of the Program |
Institute Name |
Duration (With Specific Date) |
Research Methodology |
HRDC, University of North Bengal |
26.11.2020 – 02.12.2020 |
Ø Appointed as Head of the Department of Sanskrit (PG), Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women’s College (Autonomous), Gope Palace, Midnapore, Paschim Medinipur since July, 2020.
Ø Member of UG Board of Studies in Sanskrit, Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women’s College (Autonomous).
Ø Member of PG Board of Studies in Sanskrit, Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women’s College (Autonomous).
Ø Member of SAP Committee, Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women’s College (Autonomous).
Ø Member of Sports Committee, Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women’s College (Autonomous).